
Fasching 2023

Layout banner
Den Friesner Faschingsumzug nahmen wir zum Anlass, für unsere Nachwuchsmusiker zu werben. Mit dem Appell "Wollt ihr, dass Friesen weiterhin erklingt, dann schickt uns euer Kind" zogen wir, mit bunten Noten dekoriert, am Faschingsdienstag durch die Friesner Straßen. 

Zum Pressebericht

Frühjahrskonzert 2023

Layout banner

Liebe Musikfreunde aus Nah und Fern!

Nach drei Jahren Pause freuen wir uns riesig darauf, Euch zu unserem diesjährigen Frühjahrskonzert am Samstag, 25. März ab 19.30 Uhr in der Kronachtalhalle in Steinberg begrüßen zu dürfen. 


Wir freuen uns auf Euch! 

Eure Musiker vom Musikverein Friesen

Template Details

In our templates all wordings of both back-end and front-end are moved to separated language files, so you can easily translate them into any language you want.

Schaukastendaten sind nicht konfiguriert

Interactive images presentation by JSN ImageShow extension

All JoomlaShine.com templates have special built-in design optimized for modern mobile devices iPhone, Android and Windows Mobile-based. The responsive design is applied for both Joomla 2.5 and 3.0 versions, and for Pro Edition only.

Unlike other template providers, we do not develop something that looks like a mobile app with heavy menu and animation. We built compact and lightweight version of the template preserving the whole original look-and-feel.

Mobile layout overview on Iphone

Mobile layout overview

Mobile layout overview

Module positions in mobile layout

Module positions in mobile layout

As default, all modules will be displayed on both desktop and mobile. To display a module on only desktop or on only mobile, you can add Module Class Suffix parameter as following:

  • Display a module on only desktop: display-desktop
  • Display a module on only mobile: display-mobile

Mobile layout overview on Ipad

Mobile Ipad layout overview

Mobile layout overview on Ipad

Optimized HTML overrides for mobile

Article presentation (com_content)

Article presentation (com_content)

News feeds presentation (com_newsfeeds)

News feeds presentation (com_newsfeeds)

We optimized HTML overrides for all default Joomla! extensions to make them looks neat in mobile edition. The work is mainly focused on rearrangement content from columns to rows.

Optimized menu for mobile

For mobile edition, we have built very simple, yet effective menu system, where all children menu items are presented as tree in collapsible panel. This menu system utilizes only little Javascript (MooTool) for expanding/collapsing submenu panels and is very fast and lightweight.

Special designed mobile menu system

Special designed mobile menu system

Children menu items are presented as tree

Children menu items are presented as tree

Mobile Menu with icons and rich text

The most amazing thing is mobile menu inherits all the goodies of regular menu like icons and rich text.

Mobile menu with icons applied

Mobile menu with icons applied

Mobile menu with rich text

Mobile menu with rich text

The responsive feature is enabled on live demo. You can check this by resizing the demo to the desired size and see how it presents on mobile devices.

Here should be the presentation of JSN ImageShow,
but it is not installed on your website.

Free Download Now

The image gallery you see on this website is another cool product JSN ImageShow from JoomlaShine.com. This product is shipped with component, module and content plugin, so you can place it anywhere on every website.

On this page you can see how JSN ImageShow is presented as module on top and as plugin in article content. With it, you get smooth experience and consistent performance in all browsers. The JSN ImageShow also support mobile devices normally with JS/HTML version switched automatically when you visit the website.

Currently, JSN ImageShow comes with 6 themes: Theme Classic, Theme Slider, Theme Grid, Theme Carousel, Theme Strip and Theme Flow. More themes will be released in the future.

Schaukastendaten sind nicht konfiguriert

JSN ImageShow with Theme Classic

Schaukastendaten sind nicht konfiguriert

JSN ImageShow with Theme Slider

Schaukastendaten sind nicht konfiguriert

JSN ImageShow with Theme Grid

Schaukastendaten sind nicht konfiguriert

JSN ImageShow with Theme Carousel

Schaukastendaten sind nicht konfiguriert

JSN ImageShow with Theme Strip Vertical

Schaukastendaten sind nicht konfiguriert

JSN ImageShow with Theme Strip Horizontal

Schaukastendaten sind nicht konfiguriert

JSN ImageShow with Theme Flow

Mobile optimized

For mobile device, we have built special lightweight Javascript version, so you can be absolutely sure about images presentation.

Mobile optimized presentation (screenshot made by iPhone)

Mobile optimized presentation (screenshot made by iPhone)

This extension is NOT included in the template package, but you can download it for free. Read more.

JSN Dome was developed with extreme focus on typography and we believe it provides the most comprehensive content presentation capability. Headings, text, links, tables, images, everything was designed with high level of refinement. Let's take a look.


This is an H1 Header

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

This is an H2 Header

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

This is an H3 Header

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

This is an H4 Header

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

This is an H5 Header

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

This is an H6 Header

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Text columns

You can arrange content in multiple columns by using very simple html code. JSN Dome will detect the amount of columns you defined and automatically make arrangement.

Usage: <div class=”grid-layout”><div>Text in column 1</div><div>Text in column 2</div></div>

Content arranged in 2 columns

Text column

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Text column

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Content arranged in 3 columns

Text column

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Text column

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Text column

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Content arranged in 4 columns

Text column

At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Text column

At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Text column

At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Text column

At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Content arranged in 5 columns

Text column

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet.

Text column

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet.

Text column

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet.

Text column

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet.

Text column

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet.

Text styles

Preformatted text (<pre> tag)

div.grid-layout2 div.grid-col {
 float: left;
 width: 49.95%;
div.grid-layout3 div.grid-col {
 float: left;
 width: 33.3%;

Quote text (<blockquote> tag)

You can us this style to quote somebody's speech, idea or a fragment from some book, articles, etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Usage: <blockquote>This is your quote</blockquote>

Drop Cap

You can use this special drop cap symbol style for magazine / newspaper text paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Usage: <p class="text-dropcap">This is the text with dropcap symbol.</p>

Highlighted Text

You can use this style to highlight important words and / or keyword expression in search result page. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer eleifend elit vel tellus laoreet. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Usage: <span class="text-highlight">This is the text to be highlighted.</span>

Highlighted Text on mouse over

You can use this style to highlight important text block on mouse over. Just roll mouse over this text block to see how it's highlighted.

Usage: <div class="text-box-highlight">This is the text to be highlighted.</div>

You can use this style to highlight important text block on mouse over. Just roll mouse over this text block to see how it's highlighted.

Usage: <div class="text-box-highlight">This is the text to be highlighted.</div>

Alert Text

You can use this style for alert or warning text paragraph requiring user's attention. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Usage: <p class="text-alert">This is text that requires user's attentions.</p>

Info Text

You can use this style for regular information text paragraph that does not require much user's attentions. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Usage: <p class="text-info">This is your d text.</p>

Download Text

You can use this style for information text paragraph related to download process. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Usage: <p class="text-download">This is download related text.</p>

Tip Text

You can use this style for useful information like tips, hint or help text. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Usage: <p class="text-tip">This is yourtip hint or help text.</p>

Comment Text

You can use this style for comment text paragraph. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Usage: <p class="text-comment">This is your comment text.</p>

Attachment Text

You can use this style for information text paragraph related to attachment file. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Usage: <p class="text-attachment">This is your attachment related text.</p>

Video Text

You can use this style for description text paragraph that related to video file. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Usage: <p class="text-video">This is your video related text.</p>

Audio Text

You can use this style for description text paragraph related to audio file. At ut pellentesque risus quis sem eros et consequat enim lorem. Aenean lorem consequat consequat eu.

Usage: <p class="text-audio">This is your audio related text.</p>

Link Styles

Link Icon Styles

You can attach up to 20 predefined icons to the front of any link by adding simple class to it.

Usage: <a class="link-icon jsn-icon-xxx">This is link text.</a>, where xxx is the name of icon to be applied. Detailed information about all icon names can be found in template documentation.

Example: <a class="link-icon jsn-icon-download">This is link to download something.</a>

Link Button Styles

JSN Dome offers 6 button styles to decorate any call-to-action links you have in the content.

Usage: <a class="link-button button-xxx">This is link text.</a>, where xxx is the button color name selected from: light, dark, green, orange, blue and red.

Example: <a class="link-button button-orange">See plans / pricing.</a>

Combination of Button and Icon Styles

You can use both button and icon link style combined.

Usage: <a class="link-button button-xxx"><span class="link-icon jsn-icon-yyy">This is link text.</span></a>, where xxx and yyy are button color and icon names respectively.

Example: <a class="link-button button-green"><span class="link-icon jsn-icon-cart">Add to cart.</span></a>

Extension link styles

JSN Dome is able to attach not only descriptive icon to the front of link as described in above section, but also 23 extension icons to the end of the link.

All icons can be assigned automatically by enabling a template parameter or manually by adding simple class to the link.

Usage: <a class="link-icon-ext jsn-icon-ext-xxx">This is link text.</a>, where xxx is the icon name. Detailed information about all icon names can be found in template documentation.

Table Styles

Plain Rows table style

Table header Column header 1 Column header 2 Column header 3
Table footer Footer data
Row header 1 Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum
Row header 1 Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum
Row header 1 Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum
Row header 1 Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum
Row header 1 Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum

Color Stripes table style

Table header Column header 1 Column header 2 Column header 3
Table footer Footer data
Row header 1 Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum
Row header 1 Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum
Row header 1 Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum
Row header 1 Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum
Row header 1 Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum

Grey Stripes table style

Table header Column header 1 Column header 2 Column header 3
Table footer Footer data
Row header 1 Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum
Row header 1 Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum
Row header 1 Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum
Row header 1 Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum
Row header 1 Lorem ipsum Dolor sit amet Lorem ipsum

List styles

Standard list styles

Unordered list
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua
Ordered list
  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  2. Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  3. Sed diam voluptua

Arrow list styles

Red arrow
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua
Blue arrow
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua
Green arrow
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua

Icon list styles

Article icon list
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua
Folder icon list
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua
Image icon list
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua
Online icon list
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua
Star icon list
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua
User icon list
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua

You can assign any of predefined 20 icons to list items. 6 icons shown above are just samples.

Number list styles

Blue Bullet number list
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua
Green Bullet number list
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua
Grey Bullet number list
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua
Orange Bullet number list
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua
Red Bullet number list
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua
Violet Bullet number list
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua
Blue Digit number list
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua
Green Digit number list
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua
Grey Digit number list
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua
Orange Digit number list
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua
Red Digit number list
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua
Violet Digit number list
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Consetetur sadipscing elitr
  • Sed diam voluptua

JSN Dome provides 6 box designs for module background styling, which can be combined with 20 predefined icons for module title styling. Take a look around to see how module styles are applied.

Module styles are configured by module's parameter Module Class Suffix with very simple syntax. To set up icons, you need to add string icon-xxx to module class suffix, where xxx is the icon name.

Seite 3 von 4


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Sie haben Interesse, als aktiver Musiker unserem Verein beizutreten?
Ob Trompete, Klarinette, Horn oder ein anderes Instrument – wir freuen uns sehr über neue Verstärkung! Besuchen Sie uns an einem unserer nächsten Auftritte oder rufen Sie uns an. Wir freuen uns darauf!

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